Tuesday, 23 November 2010

week 1 and 2

Finally,the ATPL theory course has started 2 weeks ago.Books arrived,course fee paid,pants checked...The course prepares you to succesfully pass the 14 JAA ATPL exams which are required before you start the CPL course.Most people who choose the modular way(I will write about that soon) complete them during the hour building phase(you will need at least 150 hours,which 100 Pilot-In-Command includes 20 hours cross-country before you jump onto the CPL course).You can either do it full-time or distance learning.The full time way takes a bit less than a year,the other way is more flexible,you can set your own schedule and goals,so probably suits better with your job.I`ve chosen the distance learning way,however,I`ll be still required to spend at least 2x2 weeks in the classroom in Cheddar just before the exams.I`ve been hesitating between Oxford and Bristol,then I was told both are great, but the Bristol notes are unbeatable...And this is just what I`m looking for:)The module 1 package includes a software(the centre of the course),the notes in 8 different  subjects,the Jeppesen student manual and 2 CAA publications.
The computer software guides you through the first steps and contains the same study material on your PC as well as in the notes in the folders.I prefer to you use both of them for my studies.A short quiz to be completed at the end of each lesson(with a 100% pass rate...).There are also regular progress tests to be completed weekly and the results will be sent to the school,so they can track your progress.You can set your start and finish date and the program will designate the optimum amount of lessons to be completed for the actual week according to your pace.I gave myself 8 months for the first module,I hope this will be more than enough:)
The 14 subjects are divided  into 2 modules.

Module 1:Mass&Balance,Instrumentation,Flight Planning,General Navigation,Meteorology,Human Performance and Limitations,VFR Communications,IFR Communications.

Module 2:Principles of Flight,Aircraft General Knowledge,Performance,Operational Procedures,Radio Navigation,Aviation Law.

On the first week I started with a basic understanding of positions and distances,lines on the Earth.And MATHS,MATHS,and MATHS again:)I really need to referesh my knowledge in that,and also I should buy a scientific calculator too.Calculating routes using only latitudes and longitudes could be challenging at the beginning.
I passed my progress test on that for 2nd attempt.Could be better.
The last week was a real biology week:)Having started Human Performance too,I familiarized myself with the with circulatory and respiratory system again.The Gas Laws(Boyle`s,Charles`,Dalton`s,Henry`s and Fick`s law).For me it sounds like players in a 5-a side team use to play down at Portobello`s Power League...:)
Hypoxia,acceleration and hyperventillation,in fact,there are sh*t lots of questions about these in the progress test.Passed it.Second attempt again...

That`s all in a nutshell just now.I started my new job in a different department on last monday.What can I say?Harder.Faster.Scooter:)
And also it looks like I`m getting back to footbal again.I played on last week after long time(I felt a bit rusty,but scored).And tomorrow there will be also a 5-a-side charity cup in the campus,.Our team is called A-Team,the team with the worst name I played in ever.Shaun`s got told off because of the name choice...Anyway will see how it  goes.

This week takes me back to Nav.Maps and charts.Sounds easy,but doesn`t look like when you open it up...

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